"At the illustrious Army Public School in Secunderabad, my journey began, where I not only honed my academic prowess but also dabbled in a myriad of styles and interests, paving the way for a colorful path ahead. This adventure eventually led me to successfully complete my 10th and 12th, turning academic milestones into stepping stones for the exciting journey that lies ahead." 🎓🌟🚀

Year 2010- 2014


Army School

10th Class

12th Class


Naval Architect


In 2018, my career set sail as a mariner, but my innate design flair couldn't be contained. I channeled my creative energy into projects that contributed to the nation's maritime endeavors, all while exploring a multitude of styles. From ship design and construction projects to venturing into uncharted waters, my journey has been as diverse as it has been rewarding." 🚢🌊🎨

Year 2018- 2022

Marine Days

Technical Skills

Tool Expertise

Download Resume

Motion Graphics
Web Accessibility
Communication Skills
User Research
AR/VR Design
Info Architecture
Responsive Design
Interaction Design
UI Design

Design Systems


Design Thinking

UX Design
Usability Testing

"As the UI/UX virtuoso, I craft websites so intuitive that even a cat could become an online shopaholic. And when I'm not designing, you can catch me tutoring my computer in the art of stand-up comedy!"

My Journey


"I'm a UI/UX designer with 2+ years of experience taming the digital wilds, from start-ups to corporate giants. I'm the guru of crafting sleek web and mobile apps for Android and iOS, and when I'm feeling fancy, I sprinkle a little graphic design and branding magic into the mix!


Work Experience


Studied design proposals and specifications to establish basic characteristics of craft. Supervised junior staff team and provided technical assistance and advice to enhance performance and productivity.

Visited shipyards to observe work and identify concerns. Designed complete hull and superstructure to conform with safety, efficiency and economy standards

Director General of Shipping

Jul-2018 to Dec-2021

Naval Architect

Communicated with product managers as UX designers to translate project requirements and business objectives into polished user interfaces. Collaborated with teammates to deliver valuable features meeting business and customer needs. As Product based organization worked on their idea of creating EMS solutions for small scale businesses

9TAB Digitech Pvt Ltd.

Mar-2022 to Mar-2023

UI UX Designer

Crafting intuitive interfaces for public services and designing seamless government apps. With a blend of creativity and functionality, I bridge the gap between citizens and technology. Together, making public projects smoother and more accessible!

UI/UX designer at Aeologic Technology, where I specialize in government projects. My role is to make complex government systems user-friendly and efficient.

Aeologic Technology Pvt Ltd.

April-2023 to Present

UI UX Designer

Have An Awesome Project Idea? Let’s Discuss

12+ Award Winnings

Worked with Govt of India

Certified Product Designer

Voyaging Through Achievements and Cherished Memories

Amidst the waves and designs, there have been moments to cherish. From steering ships through challenging waters to crafting innovative solutions, each achievement is a memory etched in the logbook of my maritime and design adventure." 🌊✨🎨

So.. you're telling me! you played football too

2009-2010 Bangalore

Mahindra U-14 Football

Mahindra U-14 Football


Hmm... Goal Keeper with Gold Medal

The Hindu & Deccan Herald


News Papers Talking About You

National Sports Meet


Backed Silver Medal in Javelin Throw Event

2017-2018 Chennai

National Sports Meet


From the School of Hard Knocks to the Coffee-Maker of Destiny, I've taken quite the scenic route to become your friendly neighbourhood UI/UX designer!

I've taken more detours than Google Maps to become your trusty UI/UX wizard